Update on Solar Panel Installation Timeframe
However, on October 15, the manufacturer of the panels for our system, informed Rooftop Solar that shipment of the equipment would be delayed for 10 to 12 weeks, meaning that installation could not begin until the first quarter of 2025. Since receiving that disappointing information, Rooftop Solar has made effort to acquire the panels and inverters earlier, but to no avail. Manufacturing has not been able to keep up with the high demand for the latest generation of the solar equipment, and outside inventory is nonexistent.
The new goal, planned by Rooftop Solar, is for our system to be installed, tested, and fully operational by March 15, 2025. The Church of the Red Rocks thanks everyone who has supported the project and financially contributed to “Let’s Go Solar”. Your donations and patience are greatly appreciated, and the time is coming when Church of the Red Rocks will dramatically reduce its reliance on fossil fuels and seriously cut its electricity bill.
Council calls Congregational Meeting for July 14
to Approve “Going Solar”
On June 26 the Church Council approved a motion brought by the Finance, Endowment and Administration Ministries. The motion asks for the approval of a proposal from Rooftop Solar of Flagstaff for a state-of-the-art PV Solar Energy system for the Church of the Red Rocks. The project, in the amount of $154,960, will be covered by a likely US Federal Direct Pay Rebate of as much as $77,480, which would be one half of the proposed solar system cost, and by fundraising within the congregation. With the approval of the congregation on July 14 to “borrow” from the “parking lot money” to cover the initial cost, a contract can be signed to proceed.
The “loan” from the Parking Lot Money will be repaid when the Direct Pay Rebates come in during 2025 or 2026, and by a fund raiser to cover the other half of the expense … $77,480.
The Solar Evaluation Committee brought this recommendation after learning that the proposed clean energy solar system will reduce CRR’s billings from APS by $12,000 (or more) annually (from $17,500 to $5,500) with a proportional reduction in fossil fuel usage.
More information about this recommendation will be available on the CRR website soon and an informational meeting will be held on July 7 after worship.
If you know you will be out of town on July 14, and wish to indicate your support (or not) for this motion, please send an email to lynnschreiner@sbcglobal.net or a note to the church office indicating your intention.
Thank you to the Solar Evaluation Committee …. Ed Bowersox, Ned Phillips, Lynn Schreiner, David Stabenfeldt and Margaret Gramley (ex officio).
Let’s Go SOLAR. June 30, 2024
Information for Discussion
So much is changing at the Church of the Red Rocks! We entered the portal of pastoral transition almost three years ago. And we are close to finish line for the journey of welcoming our new pastor and his wife on September first. Yet, the movement of the Spirit continues inviting us to stay engaged in the work and mission of CRR!
It was only about four months ago; we hosted the Rev. Jim Antal to listen to his urgent message to the whole worldwide Church and our place in addressing the crisis of climate change. Jim’s book, Climate Church, Climate World How People of Faith Must Work for Change reminds us, “God calls communities, not just individuals …and we all live at the same address.” pg.. 58
Rev. Antal’s presentation sparked conversations around how we may become the change that is called for in this time of history. The Psalmist writes of each of our responsibilities in Psalm 8, stating, “You (God) put us in charge of your handcrafted world, repeated to us your Genesis-charge, made us stewards.”(The Message paraphrase)
One of the logical places the Church Council first turned, prompted by Rev. Jim and the Spirit, was to investigate the possibility of powering the church through solar energy. In April, the Council appointed a committee to investigate the overall scope of such a project.
Here are the SURPISING RESULTS! If ever there is a time to invest in a Commercial sized Solar Panel Project, NOW is the time! We can purchase a solar energy system that will provide all or almost all of our yearly electric energy needs for $154,960. Here’s the MOST REMARKABLE news! We are eligible to receive a total of $77,480 in Federal and State Incentives to fund our project. Even though it may take six months to a year to receive these incentive payments, Rooftop Solar, the vendor we are recommending, has worked with other organizations that have received the benefit of these incentives. The owner of Roof Top affirms the trustworthiness of these incentive programs. In our decision-making, we need to allow for the possibility that the two lesser incentives of 10% for domestic content and 10% for being in a small corner of a “low income” or “Indian land” district are a bit less certain.
The net cost for this project is $77,480.
Brief Summary
(100) Solar Solar panels
(100) Enphase Energy Inc. IQ8P-3P-72-E-US (208V) Inverter(s)
System Pricing & Incentives: Solar PV System Cost and Incentives
Solar PV System Cost $154,960
Federal ITC -$77,480
Net Solar PV System Cost $77,480
Project Economics – Cash Purchase
$16,333 Year 1 Savings
$673,316 Lifetime Savings
20.1% IRR (Internal Rate of Return)
Return on Investment 4.6 Years Payback Period with no CRR fundraising investment
Environmental Benefits Over the next 20 years, our system will do more than just save the congregation money. According to the EPA’s Greenhouse Gas Equivalencies Calculator (source), CRR’s solar PV system will have the emissions equivalency impact of: 1,456.9 CO2 offset (Tons) 3,311,805 Car miles driven 21,849 Trees planted.
Background: The CRR Solar Evaluation Committee was formed by the Church Council to explore the possibility of investing in Solar. They have worked over three months to determine whether a CRR solar system would seriously reduce the church’s dependence on fossil fuels, and significantly cut our APS billings; qualify for the US Federal 30% Solar Rebate Incentive and offer a solid rate of return on our investment.
Exceptional Investment Opportunity: The CRR Solar Evaluation Committee recommends “let’s go solar” to CRR Council and Congregation with the chosen vendor being Rooftop Solar of Flagstaff. The final quote of Rooftop Solar meets or exceeds all three key considerations established by the committee. We are confident that the proposed clean energy solar system will reduce CRR’s billings from APS by $12,000 (or more) annually (from $17,500 to $5,500), with a proportional reduction in fossil fuel usage. We believe that God is Calling the Church of the Red Rocks to join in the Work for the Change of lowering our carbon footprint.
Solar Evaluation Committee Members: Ed Bowersox, Ned Phillips, Lynn
Schreiner, David Stabenfeldt, Margaret Gramley (ex-officio)
Read the proposal from Rooftop Solar:
Rooftop Solar Commercial Solar Proposal Summary