At the 2012 Annual Congregational Meeting, the congregation voted to adopt the Open and Affirming Resolution. The Church of the Red Rocks is the 994th church to become “Open and Affirming” (ONA) within the United Church of Christ. The church is also part of the UCC Coalition for LGBT Concerns.
The Church of the Red Rocks Open and Affirming Resolution
Still Speaking God, we, the community of The Church of the Red Rocks, seek to be a body of Christians who celebrate and live in openness to your voice. Therefore, we covenant with you and one another as we seek to live Christ’s compassion, promote justice, healing and wholeness of life. As Children of God, we celebrate the beauty and uniqueness of each expression of God’s diverse family as well as our oneness in Christ, and believe that attitudes and acts of injustice, discrimination and violence work against the gospel of Jesus Christ. As such, we welcome into our community persons of every gender, age, race nationality, sexual orientation, gender identity and expression, mental and physical ability, economic and social status, political background, faith background, marital standing and family structure. We invite all to share fully in the life, leadership, ministry, fellowship, worship, sacraments, responsibilities, blessings and joys of our congregation as we seek to grow together in faith and love.